#3056: RNA
[In each panel, Cueball is standing in front of a poster. On the poster there is a picture of a double helix (presumably DNA) and some illegible text, although the poster is different in each panel. Each panel has a header indicating the decade in which it takes place.]
[Cueball has a hand up in an explanatory pose]
Cueball: Life is based on DNA, which uses RNA to make proteins do stuff.
[Cueball faces towards the poster, with his hand on his chin.]
Cueball: Also, the RNA does some stuff itself, which is weird.
[Cueball has his arms raised in the air.]
Cueball: There are so many types of RNA. It's doing so much stuff!
[Cueball has both his hands down]
Cueball: Life is a seething mass of RNA that sometimes uses DNA to take notes.
Person out of frame: What do the proteins do?
Cueball: Errands for RNA.
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:2040s: RNA formed the basis for life each of the five known times it arose on the early Earth.