#3055: Giants

XKCD comic, described below.

Types of Giant

[A Venn diagram with three categories: In space, Geologic/Planetary, Not real]

[Only in "In space": Red, Blue]

[Only in "Geologic/Planetary": Atacama, Salt]

[Only in "Not read": Frost, Jolly green]

[Both in "In space" and "Geologic/Planetary": Gas, Ice]

[Both in "In space" and "Not real": Iron]

[Both in "Geologic/Planetary" and Not real": Cardiff]

[In all three: [The man in the Moon]]

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:I can't get over the suspicion that all those viral pictures are photoshopped and 'Flemish' belongs in the lower right circle.
