#3050: Atom

XKCD comic, described below.

[Cueball is holding in one hand, away from himself, an atom approximately the size of his head with shaky lines drawn around the atom. Ponytail has her hand near the atom and her other hand above her chin. Lines near the edge of the atom near her hand indicates the atom is wobbling. Hairy stands to the right of Ponytail.]

Cueball: Ugh, the electron cloud is so weird and wobbly! I hate it!

Ponytail: Why is it so wet? How can it even be wet?

Hairy: I don't want to do physics anymore.

[Caption below the panel:]

When our lab was building the quantum expander device, we didn't expect our first discovery to be "atoms are really gross."

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:What's weirder is that muons turned out to be INCREDIBLY cute.
