#3049: Incoming Asteroid
[A log chart is shown with several labels. Above it there is header:]
An asteroid is headed straight for Earth! That's...
[A log scale of lengths is shown on the left with a label at the top with an arrow pointing to the first number from the top shown next to the scale.]
Asteroid size
[The log scale starts with only 7 smaller ticks before the first large tick, and then there are the regular 9 small ticks in log fashion between each of the ten larger ticks, and then only 8 small ticks beneath the last large tick. Each of the 10 larger tick is labeled with a length size. With the first at the top being the one with an arrow pointing at it:]
1 cm
10 cm
1 meter
10 meters
100 meters
1 km
10 km
100 km
1,000 km
10,000 km
[Around but not precisely at each labeled size there are ten descriptions of what should follow the header given such a size asteroid was about to hit Earth:]
[1 cm:] ...Good news! Meteors are pretty!
[30 cm:] ...Great news! You might see a fireball!
[3 m:] ...Ok news, unless you have expensive windows or are very unlucky.
[60 m:] ...Bad news, especially if you live near the city it's aimed at.
[600 m:]...Bad news, especially if you live on the continent it's aimed at.
[9 km:] ...Bad news for your species.
[50 km:] ...Bad news for your phylum.
[300 km:] ...Bad news for your biosphere.
[2,000 km:] ...Good news for any life that might someday evolve on Earth's new moon.
[25,000 km:] ...Bad news for whatever planet is about to get hit by Earth.
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:The bottom ones are also potentially bad news for any other planets in our solar system that have been counting on Earth having a stable orbit.