#3038: Uncanceled Units
[White Hat and Cueball are standing to either side of a refrigerator. White Hat is lifting one hand up to touch the side of the fridge. The fridge has two compartments, with two doors that open to the top compartment and one bottom compartment, a drawer. The top left compartment has a tall handle on its right, the top right compartment has a tall handle on its left, and the bottom compartment has a long handle on its top. The top left compartment has an oval shape on the top and a paper attached, both with unreadable text. There is also a small square note in the top right corner and an oval shape on the side of the fridge above White Hat. These also have unreadable text.]
White Hat: This fridge uses only 3 kWh per day!
Cueball: But will it fit in my kitchen? The ceiling there is only 50 gallons per square foot.
[Caption below the panel:]
Pet peeve: Uncanceled units
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:Speed limit c arcminutes^2 per steradian