#3037: Radon
[Cueball is on the left and is approached by Ponytail, who is reading a Geiger counter in her hand and holding a toolbox in her other hand.]
Ponytail: Radon levels in your basement are pretty high.
Ponytail: When was the planet under this home built?
[Ponytail stops walking and lowers the Geiger counter.]
Cueball: Uhh, about 4½ billion years ago, I think?
Ponytail: Oof. I was afraid of that.
[A frameless panel:]
Ponytail: This planet was contaminated with uranium when it formed. You really should have let it fully decay before building.
Ponytail: Wait another 100 billion years and these rocks will be fine.
[Zoom in on Cueball's head.]
Cueball: But the Sun will burn out in 5 billion years.
Ponytail (off-panel): Yikes, you built around a short-lived yellow star? What a mess.
Ponytail (off-panel): Hope you have good insurance.
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:A good ²³⁸Umbrella policy should cover it.