#3002: RNAWorld

XKCD comic, described below.

[Cueball, Ponytail, Jill, and another child with a dark hair (wearing Mickey/Minnie ears) are walking through an amusement park. Cueball has a water bottle and a backpack, Ponytail is looking at a map or a brochure with a helix structure shown on one page, Jill is pointing forward while holding a small stuffed toy resembling Stitch from Lilo & Stitch, and the other child has a popsicle. Cueballs, Megans, and Hairys can be seen in the background in gray. There are also a drop tower, a roller coaster, a shop, and a hot air balloon in the background.]

Ponytail: Okay, kids, now that Ariel is done collecting nucleotides for Ratatouille’s primordial soup, let’s go watch Elsa initiate runaway ribozyme synthesis!

[Caption below the panel:]

Disney’s RNAWorld

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:Disney lore: Canonically, because of how Elsa's abiogenesis powers work, Olaf is an RNA-only organism.
