#2898: Orbital Argument

XKCD comic, described below.

[From left to right, Cueball, White Hat and Megan standing. Cueball and Megan are arguing. Cueball is raising a finger while Megan's arms are outstretched. White Hat stands between them, both hands out in an equivocal gesture.]

Cueball: The sun orbits the earth!

Megan: The earth orbits the sun!

White Hat: When two people disagree, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Maybe the earth and the sun orbit a common center!

[Caption below the panel:]

It's annoying when people are right by accident.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:"Some people say light is waves, and some say it's particles, so I bet light is some in-between thing that's both wave and particle depending on how you look at it. Am I right?" "YES, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE!"
