#2897: Light Leap Years

XKCD comic, described below.

[Cueball is sitting at a desk with a laptop on it and leaning to the back of his office chair, while having his other hand on the laptop. He is looking at Ponytail, who is standing behind him. The text from the laptop screen is shown above it, indicated with a zigzag line.]

Cueball: It took until February, but I finally got all the distances updated!

Ponytail: I really wish we didn't have to do this.

[Laptop screen:]

Proxima Centauri

Distance: [in red, crossed out] 4.2493 ly

[in green] 4.2377 ly

[Caption below the panel:]

Astronomers hate leap years because they make light-years 0.27% longer.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:When Pope Gregory XIII briefly shortened the light-year in 1582, it led to navigational chaos and the loss of several Papal starships.
