#2892: Banana Prices

XKCD comic, described below.

[A graph with the x-axis showing time, from the years 1950 to around 2275. The y-axis is a log scale showing the price of a banana from $0.10 to over $10.00. A label called "Price of a banana (BLS/St. Louis Fred[1])" show a rising trend in the price of a banana. There are two dots on that trend. One is labeled "Episode airs" and the other one "Now". 3 extrapolations shown as dashed lines labeled "General inflation rate", "Fresh fruit price trend" and "Banana price trend" extend until reaching the $10 mark, indicated by 3 dots.]

[Caption above the graph:] "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? $10?"

[Caption below the panel:] That line probably has another century or so left.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:It's a linear extrapolation, Michael. How big could the error be? 10%?
