#3047: Rotary Tool
Multi-function rotary tool
[A slider on the side of a tool with various settings.]
Speed (rpm) Function
0.000000000073: Sidereal mount precession adapter
0.00070: Sidereal telescope mount
[Following three are labeled "clock hands":]
0.0014: h
0.017: m
1: s
[Following three are labeled "record player":]
33: 33
45: 45
72: 72
300: Screwdriver [Current setting]
1500: Drill
2500: Airplane propeller
35 000: Dremel
60 000: Uranium enrichment centrifuge
300 000: Dental drill
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:It was great until my thumb slipped and I accidentally launched my telescope into the air at Mach 8.