#3012: The Future of Orion

XKCD comic, described below.

[Star map of the Orion constellation at present, everything black on white background. The majority of the twenty-three points are connected with the traditional constellation lines. As is usual, the three stars of "Orion's Sword" are left unconnected, and neither is Sigma Orionis, in its position very close to Alnitak on Orion's Belt. In a frame above the stars there is a label:]

Orion Today:

[In the next panel the same stars are drawn (except Sigma Orionis, which features in no further panels) but without the constellation lines. Three of the dots that mark the stars are drawn in grey, and from them a short red line is going to an additional red dot that marks a new star position. A fourth star has a red cross over it. There are two labels in red. From the upper label goes two long red arrows in opposite directions towards the red and grey stars and lines (two of those are close together beneath the label, one is above). A small red arrow goes from the other label to the crossed out star. The rest of the stars remain unchanged. In a frame above the stars there is a label:]

Predicted Changes:

Upper label: Star movement

Lower label: Star Death (Betelgeuse)

[Star map of the future Orion constellation, all map features black on white, with Betelgeuse now missing and the three moved stars where their red 'new' positions were in the prior panel. A set of mostly different constellation lines are drawn joining the majority of the twenty-one points (excepting the traditional Sword stars). A red label is written with a red arrow pointing to a constellation line at the top right. In a frame above the stars there is a label:]

Orion in the future:

Label: Suggested lines

[In the last panel the same stars with constellation lines are drawn. It overlays an image of Dinosaur Comics T-rex, the full color habitual 'final pane' pose, but flipped left/right to match and generally encompasses the new constellation lines in a way typical of more classical artistic constellation depictions. In particular, bow and right arm of Orion (in some versions, left arm holding captured prey) now matches the dinosaur tail, whilst the raised left arm (sometimes considered the right arm, holding a club aloft) now matches the neck and dropped jaw of its head. The stars of "Orion's Sword" remain as three dots between the legs constellation/dinosaur legs, without any connection to either, or indeed any 'sword'-equivalent.]

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:Dinosaur Cosmics
