#3006: Demons
[Three demons, Cueball-like in general appearance but with horns and pointed tails, are standing together while surrounded by flames. The leftmost demon is holding a pitchfork and the next one has his hands down. They are looking at the third to the right standing a bit apart from them. This last demon, Maxwell's demon as given in the caption, holds his palms up while looking at the other two.]
Demon with pitchfork: What's our plan for the souls today? Boil them in oil?
Middle demon: We could cast them into the flame pit.
Maxwell's demon: What if we set up two rooms with a door in between, but– get this– we only let them go through it one way!
[Caption below the panel:]
Maxwell's Demon had trouble fitting in with the others.
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:Though they do appreciate how much he improved the heating system for the flame pit.