#2987: Tectonic Surfing

XKCD comic, described below.

[Cueball walks up to Beret Guy who is standing with one leg in front of another and his arms spread wide.]

Cueball: What are you doing?

Beret Guy: Tectonic surfing!

[Cueball is standing behind Beret Guy, who is in the same pose.]

Beret Guy: Radical!

Beret Guy: Gnarly!

Beret Guy: Hang loose!

[Beret Guy is alone, still in the same position in the center of the panel.]

[Beret Guy is in the same position, but at the right edge of the panel with his head partly outside the right edge. Above him is a box with a Caption:]

20 years later:

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:The worst is when you wipe out in the barrel and you're trapped for several million years until erosion frees you.
