#2985: Craters

XKCD comic, described below.

[A Venn diagram with two circles.]

[Label above left circle:]

Meteor Impact Craters

[Label above right circle:]

Weird Circles on the Map

[Left circle items (Meteor Impact Craters):]

Northern Yucatan Peninsula

Charlevoix Region

Sudbury Basin

Chesaspeake Bay

[Right circle items (Weird Circles on the Map):]

Nastapoka Arc

Crater Lake


The Great Blue Hole

Delaware's Northern Border

[Middle intersection items:]

Lake Manicouagan

Lonar Lake

Clearwater Lakes

Meteor Crater

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:It's annoying that the Nastapoka Arc isn't a meteor impact crater, but I truly believe that--with enough time, effort, and determination--we could make it one.
