#2981: Slingshots

XKCD comic, described below.

[A table grid with two columns and six rows.]

[Two column labels placed above the respective columns, six row labels to the left of the respective rows. Each table cell contains a tick for "Yes", a cross for "No", or a note.]

[Column 1:] Regular slingshot

[Column 2:] Gravitational slingshot

[Row 1:] Used for hunting



[Row 2:] Used for sport shooting



[Row 3:] Used for spacecraft propulsion



[Row 4:] Large online enthusiast community



[Row 5:] May have caused dinosaur extinction

Probably not


[Row 6:] Used by Dennis the Menace to terrorize Mr. Wilson


Not yet, but I'm pitching a reboot

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:In my reboot, Dennis the Menace was just trying to send Mr. Wilson a nice comet, but accidentally wiped out his dinosaur garden.
