#2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death

XKCD comic, described below.

[A chart with a time line going from top to bottom is shown. Starting when the Earth forms and ending at present day. The chart is a rectangle divided into 11 segments. Each segment has a label written inside it, except the bottom which is too thin, thus the label is to the right of the chart with an arrow pointing to the segment. The left side of the chart is a timeline with ticks and labels for the time period. At the top an arrow points to the top left corner of the chart with a label indicating the starting time. And then there are 5 ticks, the first four equidistant and then only half the distance for the last tick. A final label is at the bottom of the chart. Above the chart there is a heading:]

Top causes of death for time travelers by geologic era:

[Text in the table from the top, with the time to the left differentiated from the labels which are indented:]

Earth forms



4 billion years ago



3 billion years ago

2 billion years ago

Slightly slower asphyxiation

1 billion years ago



500 million years ago

Eaten by fish


Eaten by mammals


Time machine door gets stuck

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:Many a hungry time traveler has Googled 'trilobites shellfish allergy' only to find their carrier had no coverage in the Ordovician.
