#2971: Celestial Event

XKCD comic, described below.

Approximate frequency in my area

Active northern lights: 20 days per solar cycle

A naked-eye "Great Comet": 2 months every 50 years

Total eclipse: once every 350 years

Clear skies: 50% of the time

17-year cicada emergence: 2 months every 17 years

opening bracket

20 days over 11 years multiplied by

2 months over 50 years multiplied by

1 over 350 years multiplied by

one half multiplied by

2 months over 17 years

closing bracket to the power of -1

equals 4.3 billion years

[Caption below the panel:]

Every 4 billion years or so, my neighborhood gets to see a really spectacular show.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:If we can get a brood of 13-year cicadas going, we might have a chance at making this happen before the oceans evaporate under the expanding sun.
