#2966: Exam Numbers

XKCD comic, described below.

[6 different math test questions.]

[The first panel:]

Kindergarten math final exam

Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of

A. [empty box]

[The second panel:]

Pre-algebra final exam

Q. Write down the value of x if x=3x-8

A. [empty box]

[The third panel:]

Calculus final exam

Q. Write down the value of [integral sign, from 0 to pi] x sin^2 x dx

A. [empty box]

[The fourth panel:]

PhD cosmology final exam

Q. Write down the Hubble constant to within 1%

A. [empty box]

[The fifth panel:]

Game theory final exam

Q. Write down 10 more than the average of the class's answers

A. [empty box]

[The sixth panel:]

Postgraduate math final exam

Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of

A. [empty box]

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:Calligraphy exam: Write down the number 37, spelled out, nicely.
