#2963: House Inputs and Outputs

XKCD comic, described below.

[A 5x5 grid of squares. The columns are labeled: Well, Garage, Power lines, Front door, Septic tank. Each row's label has an arrow and a basic house icon next to it. The rows are: Fresh water (horizontal arrow towards house), Cars (two-directional horizontal arrow and house), Electricity (horizontal arrow into house), People (two-directional horizontal arrow and house), Sewage (vertical arrow out of bottom of house).]

Well, Fresh water: [green]

[A many-featured house front and cross-sectional subsurface infrastructure, with various aspects that recur throughout most further grid-squares in one or other form. This particular one is distinguished by an arrow indicating movement up through a pipe leading inwards from an adjacent external borehole]

Voice from house: Mmm! Refreshing!

Garage, Fresh water: [red]

[An obliquely off-frontal view of the house, featuring a set of Cueball-like figures directing a hosepipe's stream of water into the open garage-port doorway]


Power lines, Fresh water: [red]

[A different oblique angle concentrated upon the edge of the house upon which the overhead powerlines connect to, from a pole with transformer box and other wire coming from off-frame; the house wire appears to be dripping liquid]

Front door, Fresh water: [red]

[Normal frontal view of the house, featuring the hosepipe cueballs directing water into the front door]

Voice from house: Stop it!


Septic tank, Fresh water: [red]

[Normal frontal view; The subsurface septic tank feature has an arrow leading up from it through the diagonal pipe that connects to the house itself]

Voice from house: Eww.

Well, Cars: [red]

[A view only of a ground pipe/borehole-head; A car seemingly upended and balanced atop on a front corner, being manhandled by Cueball and Megan figures]

Garage, Cars: [green]

[Normal frontal view; Garage door open, car seen parked inside]

Power lines, Cars: [red]

[Two power-line poles, the rightmost with transformer, having cables from off-left, between the poles and off-right; Two cueballs stand on the ground below, looking at a car heavily balanced mid-way along the central stretch of wire]

Front door, Cars: [red]

[Frontal view of house; Front doorway has surrounding damage and a car tightly wedged into it with two figures (Beret Guy and a Cueball) visible through the windows]

Beret Guy, from car: Do you think I scratched the paint?

Septic tank, Cars: [red]

[Frontal view of the house; Within the underground sceptic tank, displacing some of the shallow dark liquid, is a car with two occupants]

Well, Electricity: [red]

[Borehole pipe-head; Cueball holds a laptop with a power lead trailing down into the pipe]

Cueball's laptop: ⚠Low battery

Garage, Electricity: [red]

[Frontal view of house, with lightning strike explosively hitting the area of the garage door]


Power lines, Electricity: [green]

[Frontal view of house, arrow leading down the power-cable and several 'electricity' symbols scattered around]

Front door, Electricity: [red]

[Frontal view of house, with lightning strike explosively hitting the area of the front door]


Septic tank, Electricity: [red]

[Toilet and cistern, seat raised, with Knit Cap looking at a computer system, set up nearby on the floor, with a power lead draped into the toilet-bowl and (sic) a single 'electricity' symbol indicating power flow]

Knit Cap: Why won't my console turn on?

Well, People: [red (though overwhelmingly black)]

[A mostly black tile with a rough circular outline of sketchy red lines]

Garage, People: [green]

[Frontal view of house; A Cueball exits the open (darkened) garage doorway, waving]

Cueball: Bye!

Power lines, People: [red]

[Oblique side view of house; A Cueball is climbing up the power-line towards the top of the pole]

Cueball: Bye!

Front door, People: [green]

[Frontal view of house; A cueball exits the open front doorway, waving]

Cueball: Bye!

Septic tank, People: [red]

[Frontal view of house; A Cueball crawls into the elbow-deep dark liquid of the subsurface septic tank, emerging from the house-draining pipes]

Cueball: Bye!

Well, Sewage: [red]

[Frontal view of house; Speech-line emerges from the house]

Voice from house: Why do I keep getting sick???

Garage, Sewage: [red]

[Frontal view of house; Garage door is open, revealing Cueball knee-deep in dark liquid]

Cueball: Oh no.

Power lines, Sewage: [red]

[Oblique side view of house; Wide pipe-end emerges from the roof, disgorging a stream of dark liquid out onto the rising power-cable]

Cueball: Eww.

Front door, Sewage: [red]

[Frontal view of house; Front door is open, revealing Cueball knee-deep in dark liquid]

Cueball: Oh no.

Septic tank, Sewage: [green]

[Frontal view of house; Dark liquid drains down drain-pipes into sceptic tank, with an arrow indicating the direction of flow]


(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:People think power over ethernet is so great, and yet when I try to do water over ethernet everyone yells at me.
