#2924: Pendulum Types

XKCD comic, described below.

[Four types of pendulums are shown in a single panel. Each has a bullet list below the depiction.]


Simple pendulum

[A basic pendulum consisting of a joint, rod, and weight swinging in a regular arc]

  • Periodic
  • Stable
  • Useful for timekeeping


Double pendulum

[A pendulum consisting of 2 joints, 2 rods, and a weight swinging in a more loopy arc]

  • Aperiodic
  • Chaotic
  • Moderately cursed


Inverted pendulum

[An upside-down basic pendulum with some apparatus underneath vibrating up and down]

  • Finely balanced
  • Unstable
  • Becomes stable when vibrated


Nightmare pendulum

[An inverted double pendulum, with an additional uninverted pendulum swinging within a large weight adorned with archaic/mystical symbols]

  • Forbidden
  • Unphysical
  • Summons Maxwell's Demon

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:The creepy fingers that grow from a vibrating cornstarch-water mix can be modeled as a chain of inverted vertical pendulums (DOI:10.1039/c4sm00265b) and are believed to be the fingers of Maxwell's Demon trying to push through into our universe.
