#2917: Types of Eclipse Photo

XKCD comic, described below.

Types of Eclipse Photo

[Eclipse during totality]

The Standard

[Partial eclipse with lighter sky]

The Partial

[Two Cueballs and Ponytail looking and pointing at the sky]

The Reaction Shot

[Eclipse during totality with red "ribbons" around the Moon]

The Fancy Lens

[A blurry ring of light in the center]

The Focus Issues

[The rear of an SUV]

The Traffic Jam

[A dark circle on Earth's surface]

The Astronaut

[A gray cover of clouds]

The "Frustratedly Looking up the Cloud Situation in Australia for 2028"

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:The most rare, top-tier eclipse photo would be the Solar Earth Eclipse, but the Apollo 12 crew's attempt to capture it was marred by camera shake. They said it looked spectacular, though.
