#2901: Geographic Qualifiers

XKCD comic, described below.

[The scene in this comic is shown from afar and drawn in black silhouette on a white background. It depicts a huge statue of a squirrel standing on a skateboard, which is on a pedestal. Below and in front of the statue there are two Cueball-like guys. The Cueball on the left is pointing at the statue and speaking to his friend on the right who has a thought bubble above him.]

Cueball: At over 40 feet, it's the tallest statue of a skateboarding squirrel in the Northern Hemisphere.

Friend [thinking]: ...Wait, who in the heck...Brazil? South Africa? Australia? Squirrels aren't even native there...

[Caption below the panel:]

I love the instant mystery created by qualifiers like "east of the Mississippi" or "in the Northern Hemisphere."

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:'Thank you for the loveliest evening I've ever had...' [normal] '...east of the Mississippi.' [instant intrigue!]
