#2895: Treasure Chests

XKCD comic, described below.

[Black Hat is holding a treasure chest in one hand and pointing with a stick to a poster that features a shovel at the top, three circled X's below it, and five question marks around them.]

Black Hat: First, I'll fill three of these chests with $1,000 each in small silver and gold coins, and take videos of them being buried in unidentified lawns around town.

Black Hat: Next year, I post the videos.

Black Hat: Then we sit back and let the local kids do the rest.

[Caption below the panel:]

The proposal for creating business for our lawn care company was unorthodox but extremely effective.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:[earlier] "Your vintage-style handmade chest business is struggling. But I have a plan."
