#2883: Astronaut Guests

XKCD comic, described below.

[Cueball, Megan, Ponytail, and Hairbun are eating around a table. Cueball is leaning on the back of his chair and has his palm out.]

Cueball: We don't have houseguests often, but we once had six astronauts over for dinner.

Hairbun: Oh, wow!

Cueball (muttering): …for 7½ milliseconds in mid-August 2012.

[Caption below the panel:]

If you spend enough time looking at orbital records and property lines, you can make this claim in a lot of places.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:They didn't bring us a gift, but considering the kinetic energy of a bottle of wine at orbital speed, that's probably for the best.
