#2879: Like This One

XKCD comic, described below.

[Megan and Cueball are facing Ponytail, who holds her hand out palm up.]

Megan: So what do you do?

Ponytail: I'm a researcher studying gas molecules like this one.

[Below the panel there is an explanation of the comics idea.]

Fields of research where you can add "...like this one" after you say what you study:

[Bulleted list of various separate fields of study.]

Gas molecules

Gravitational fields

Planetary magnetospheres

Sound waves

Habitable worlds


Social interactions

Skin microbes

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:A lot of sentences undergo startling shifts in mood if you add 'like this one' to the end, but high on the list is 'I'm a neurologist studying dreams.'
