#2873: Supersymmetry

XKCD comic, described below.

[List of characters with their heads on the left side and particles with their depictions on the right side.]

Mario : Proton

Luigi : Neutron

Wario : Antiproton

Waluigi : Antineutron

Peach : Electron

Daisy : Electron neutrino

Free Luigi decay:

[An illustration of Luigi → Mario + Peach + Daisy (shown with the characters' heads).]

[Label below Daisy:] (Right-handed)

[Caption below the panel:]

The theory of Supersymmetric Mario Bros suggests that each fundamental particle has a Super Nintendo partner.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:High-speed collisions at the Baby Park track may support the hypothesis that Daisy is her own evil twin, a theory first suggested by Nintendo in the game Majorana's Mask.
