#2866: Snow

XKCD comic, described below.

[Above the comic, there is a graph labeled "Time" on the X-axis and "My apparent age" on the Y-axis. The graph is flat until a large instantaneous drop, labeled "The moment it starts to snow". After the drop, the line rises, seemingly logarithmically, but it doesn't reach as high as before.]

[Under the graph, there are four comic panels. All show Cueball, a desk with a laptop, and a window. The panels line up horizontally like the graph's X-axis.]

[Window without snow. Cueball at desk, apparently working.]

[Window with a couple of snowflakes. Cueball at desk, quickly turning around towards the window.]

[Window with a lot of snow. Cueball jumps excitedly up from his chair, shouting.]

Cueball: Hey! It's snowing! Outside! There's snow falling! Look! Snow! Hey!

[Window with a lot of snow. Cueball at desk, apparently working, but possibly looking at the window.]

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:For someone who has ostensibly outgrown staying up late waiting for Santa, I do spend an awful lot of time refreshing websites to see if packages are here yet.
