#3059: Water Damage
[Ponytail stands to the left of Cueball. She is looking down at a meter of some sort in one hand, and is holding a clipboard in the other hand.]
Ponytail: The crust under your house shows signs of water damage. Is there a subduction zone nearby?
Cueball: Uh, I think there's one off the coast.
Ponytail: Oof. I was afraid of that.
[Closeup on Ponytail who is pointing to a diagram of subducting faults.]
Ponytail: Subducting hydrous minerals carry water down into the mantle, causing melting in the overlying crust. If you let this go, you'll have volcanoes everywhere.
[Cueball, with his hand to his chin, looks at the diagram. Ponytail, holding her equipment, is standing behind him.]
Cueball: Is there any solution?
Ponytail: Giant lithospheric dehumidifiers. But the installation won't be cheap.
Cueball: Oh no...
(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)
Title text:Your homeowner's insurance might cover it, but be sure to check the subductible.