#3036: Chess Zoo

XKCD comic, described below.

[Caption above a panel that contains a cut-off chessboard that is presumably at least 29x43 squares:]

Chess Zoo

Designed to give different types of pieces their own enclosures while letting them interact as much as possible without allowing captures

[A large picture with alternating black and white squares. Some squares have smaller black squares imposed on them. Other squares may have chess pieces or characters on them.]

[Banner above black squares on the top right:]

Banner: Shh! Pawns promoting.

[Jill near the center, standing in front of Blondie and pointing forward:]

Jill: Look, mommy! Bishops!

  • Click for a visual representation of the comic:

[Layout (H is human; # is a smaller black square; chess pieces on the top half are black and below that white, unless otherwise noted):]

     HH H     HH   H HH    
 #         #     ######### 
 #  K  K   # R   ##     ## 
 #      Q  #    R##P   P## 
H# #K#    R##### ## P   ## 
 ### ###       #R##  P  ## 
  ## ######    # ##   N ## 
 ### # #####   # ######### 
 H# K  #  #### #  ######## 
 ###  N#   #####     #   # 
  #    #  R      B   #   # 
 #######   ####     # B B#H
H #    # N N##   B R#    # 
 ### N #    ##      B# B # 
  #    #    ## #  #  #   # 
 ### # #N# ### ###B## #### 
  ###########  #   B#   B# 
   #H# # # # #R#    #    # 
              ##B   #  B #  [White bishops]
     H     HH     B #  B #  [Black bishops]
   HH        H##  B # B  #  [Left bishop: white, right bishop: black]
   # #H# #H# # # B  # B B# 
  ########### R#    #    # 
 ### # # # ### ## #### ### 
  #   N#    ## # #B   #  # 
 ###   #    ##R    R  #B #H
  #    #    ##   R B #   #H
 #######  R####      # B # 
  #    #          BB#    # 
 ###KN # N ##### B  #    # 
  #    #  #### #  ######## 
 ### # #####   # ######### 
 H## ######    # ##     ## 
 ### ###       # ##P    ## 
 # # #     #####R##     ## 
 #      Q K#     ## P  P## 
H# K       #  RR ##     ## 
 #  K      # R   ######### 
     H       HHHH     H   

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:The zoo takes special care to keep kings separated from opposite-color pieces as part of their conservation program to prevent mating in captivity.
