#3068: Rock Identification

XKCD comic, described below.

[Caption above the comic:]

How to ask geologists to identify a rock

[A two-paneled comic, one panel labeled "wrong:" and the other labeled "right:"]

[The panel labeled "wrong:"]

[Cueball holds out a rock to Ponytail]

Cueball: Can you identify this rock that I found?

Ponytail: Not without knowing where you found it. It's difficult to identify minerals by sight without the geologic context.

[The panel labeled "right:"]

[Cueball holds out a rock wrapped in a $5 bill to Ponytail, who reaches out to touch it]

Cueball: Can you identify this rock that I found wrapped in a $5 bill?

Ponytail: Sure! Looks like garnets in a mica schist.

(Sourced from explainxkcd.com)

Title text:'Is it worth anything?' 'I dunno, is the answer to that question worth another $5?'
